Technical Brief: 5 Country Experiences with Digital Adherence Technologies

Technical Brief: 5 Country Experiences with Digital Adherence Technologies

Technical Brief: Five Country Experiences with Digital Adherence Technologies Digital Adherence Technologies (DATs) are designed to support people infected with TB in taking their medication. Compared with the traditional directly observed treatment (DOT) approach,...
Outcomes and implementation challenges of using daily treatment regimens with an innovative adherence support tool among HIV-infected tuberculosis patients in Karnataka, India: a mixed-methods study

Outcomes and implementation challenges of using daily treatment regimens with an innovative adherence support tool among HIV-infected tuberculosis patients in Karnataka, India: a mixed-methods study

Outcomes and implementation challenges of using daily treatment regimens with an innovative adherence support tool among HIV-infected tuberculosis patients in Karnataka, India: a mixed-methods study View Pruthu Thekkur, Ajay MV Kumar, Palanivel Chinnakali, Sriram...