Audiovisual material to support DAT implemention

This is a series of 7 videos with relevant information for implementation of digital adherence technologies (DATs).

These videos are available for download with and without subtitles for their utilization across different settings and regions.

The original language in which these videos were produced is English, however with the downloadable scripts and subtitles files (.srt), they can be translated into any other language, or re-made with voice-overs in different language, where appropriate.

Who can use these resources?

These resources are intended for potential users of DATs at the healthcare provider, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), National TB Program level, funders and DAT implementing organizations.

How to use these resources?

These resources can be used either for capacity building, ownership and buy-in, advocacy efforts and raising awareness among stakeholder groups.

As a DAT-interested person, organization or group, you can make use of these videos directly from our YouTube channel HERE, where you can find the videos in English as they were originally produced.

Videos in our YouTube channel are available for embedding when needed.

If you require to download the videos to adapt the subtitles to another language or change scenes for more culturally appropriate ones, you can access our Google Drive HERE, where you have them available for download either with or without subtitles.

In our Google Drive you can also find an excel sheet titled “Video purposes”, reflecting the objective of the videos. This sheet is a result of scouting the needs for these resources with different stakeholders in the pre-production and planning process.

If you need to adapt it further, you can make use of the scripts in raw as you can find them in the Google Drive mentioned before.