Resources: Frequently Asked Questions


Adherence Platform

Medication Sleeve

Smart Pill Box




What digital adherence technology should I select?

By comparing the three digital adherence technologies, and completing your in country assessment, you should be able to reach a conclusion about the DAT(s) that suit your patient group and country context best.

Dowload the ASCENT project technical brief for a full overview of the three technologies in five different countries

As the Global DAT Task Force we have provided TA to countries in selecting the technology and the adherence platform most suited to their context. Should you require assistance during this process you can contact us for technical assistance.

How do I budget for a digital adherence technology intervention in my country?

By consulting the following page about budgeting you will get a deeper look into the elements that influence cost factors for a DAT implementation.

You could also consult the following documents:

Who can I contact for assistance in setting up a digital adherence technology intervention in my country?

The Global DAT Task Force has provided technical assistance to countries planning to implement DATs in country, or scale their DAT intervention. You can contact us directly through this contact form.

Where can I find guidance on applying for funding for a DAT intervention?

You can access the Global Fund funding application guidance here to formulate your country’s funding proposal.,

For specific DAT related funding and budget development consult the following documents:

Can I get a sample and demonstration of the digital adherence technologies and adherence platform?

Yes, we supply free samples of the digital adherence technologies, and a demonstration of the adherence platform. You can request this by using this form.

What additional staff is needed to implement the adherence technology?

Each country has it’s own specific needs in terms of human resources to support a DAT intervention and therefore vary per country and project setting and will need to be investigated further within the setting of implementation. Broadly speaking, the following are DAT implementation support personnel to consider:

  • IT support;
  • Intervention rollout training and follow up training;
  • Supervision and support to ensure quality control as part of patient support and capacity building.

For further information, consult this page about implementation costs.

Can DATs be used to support patients on new, shorter regimens, such as BPaL?

The smart pill box and video supported treatment are both well suited to provide adherence support to patients.

For further information on the smart pill box with the BPaL regimen, consult the following:

What does the WHO say about DATs?

The World Health Organization published their updated consolidated guidelines on Tuberculosis for treatment in July 2022.

As a part of the guidelines there were multiple references to the use of digital adherence technologies as a tool in TB treatment.

For further information on this consult the following:

Medication Sleeve/Label (99DOTS)

What is the medication sleeve/label (99DOTS)?

The patient receives their medication in customized packaging such as special sleeves or labels. Each day, the patient makes a toll-free call or texts a code to log their daily dose.

For what types of TB can medication sleeve/label be used?

The medication sleeve/label is only suitable for patients treated with Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) medication, and therefore not usable for patients using multiple pills and package formats for their treatment.

What are the cost for implementing the 99DOTS system?

There are multiple cost factors that go into the implementation of the 99DOTS system, which are not easily delineated. By consulting the budgeting page you will get a more accurate estimation for the costs of 99DOTS.

How can I order the medication sleeve or label?

Procurement for the medication sleeve/label needs to be done through an in-country printing facility. For further details about this you can consult the medication sleeve/label procurement page.

What are the patient requirements to use the medication sleeve/label (99DOTS)?
  • Patients need daily access to a phone that can make calls and/or can send and receive SMSs.
  • The patient needs a positive airtime balance daily to report medication intake (even though the patient may not be charged for the call or SMS). Adherence reporting may be interrupted if the patient has a zero-airtime balance.
  • The patient will need to send a unique code each day to log adherence.

Learn more by consulting the Technical Brief: Five Country Experiences with Digital Adherence Technologies

What are the healthcare provider requirements to support medication sleeve/label implementation?
  • The healthcare provider will need to ensure that patient phone number is up to date on the adherence platform, otherwise incoming medication intake phone calls or SMS messages cannot be linked to patient.
  • Healthcare providers require a smartphone, tablet, or laptop and internet connectivity to access online adherence platform. The information from the adherence platform can then activate targeted follow-up actions and support by healthcare providers and other staff based on patient adherence.

Learn more by consulting the Technical Brief: Five Country Experiences with Digital Adherence Technologies

What communication infrastructure needs to be available to use the Smart Pill Box?

There is a great deal of communication infrastructure that requires to be setup before rollout can begin. This is best done through an aggregator. Consult the following page for a more detailed description. Should you require further assistance you can contact us for technical assistance in setting this up.

Does 99DOTS work in setting with low connectivity?

The patient needs a daily mobile connection in order send a message to the specific code to log medication adherence.

Learn more by consulting the Technical Brief: Five Country Experiences with Digital Adherence Technologies

What is required for the Medication Sleeve/Label to be ready for distribution to patients?

Once the necessary infrastructure has been setup, and the medication sleeves/labels have been printed (procurement), the medication will need to be repackaged into the patient medication sleeves, or the label with the unique code will need to be attached to the blister package.

Smart Pill Box

What is a Smart Pill Box?

The patient receives a specially designed box to store and organize their medication. Each day, when the patient opens the box to take medication, an embedded device sends a signal to automatically log their daily dose.

What are the cost for the smart pill box?

The cost for the Smart Pill Box kit is $53.75, which includes:

  • a plastic medication container
  • batteries
  • a chip and wireless data sufficient for at least three years — meaning it could be used by multiple patients over that period.

Learn more by consulting the following:

How can I order the smart pill box?

The Smart Pill Box is manufactured by Wisepill in South Africa. Procurement can be done through the Global Drug Facility. When ordered through this platform the Smart Pill Boxes are delivered to the country NTP ready for use.

For what types of TB can the smart pill box be used?

The Smart Pill Box is suitable for all types of TB as it can be used across all medication types and/or combination of treatment(s).

What are the patient requirements to use the smart pill box?

There are no additional requirements for the patient to use the Smart Pill Box as they are provided the pill box by the facility at no cost to themselves. Medication intake is logged and sent automatically by opening the smart pill box, therefore no additional actions are required by the patient.

Learn more by consulting the Technical Brief: Five Country Experiences with Digital Adherence Technologies

What are the healthcare provider requirements to support the Smart Pill Box implementation?

Healthcare providers require a smartphone, tablet, or laptop and internet connectivity to access online adherence platform. The information from the adherence platform can then activate targeted follow-up actions and support by healthcare providers and other staff based on patient adherence.

Learn more by consulting the Technical Brief: Five Country Experiences with Digital Adherence Technologies

How many patients can be treated with one smart pill box?

The Smart Pill Box could be used by multiple patients. The plastic container can be cleaned or replaced for each patient, but the chip inside, which is the expensive component, can be transferred to a new container. The chip and wireless data is sufficient for at least three years.

Learn more by consulting the Technical Brief: Five Country Experiences with Digital Adherence Technologies

What communication infrastructure needs to be available to use the Smart Pill Box?

Apart from a mobile service provider being able to support 2G connectivity, there are no additional communication infrastructure requirements.

Does the smart pill box works in setting with low connectivity?

When mobile connectivity is temporary not available, opening events are stored in the smart pill box memory and uploaded automatically when internet connectivity is available again.

Learn more by consulting the Technical Brief: Five Country Experiences with Digital Adherence Technologies

How long does it take to receive the smart pill box?

Lead-time from ordering to receival of smart pill boxes in-country can take between 3 to 6 months.

What is required for the Smart Pill Box to be ready for distribution to patients?

Besides charging, the smart pill box can be used by patients immediately after delivery. No specialized in-country infrastructure required.

Learn more by consulting the Technical Brief: Five Country Experiences with Digital Adherence Technologies

How long does the battery last before it requires a recharge?

The battery lasts up to 6 months before it requires a recharge.

Video Supported Treatment

What is Video Supported Treatment?

The patient records a video using a secured app on their mobile phone during medication intake. After completion, the video is sent to the health care provider for review.

What are the costs for implementing VST?

There are multiple cost factors that go into the implementation of Video Supported Treatment, which are not easily delineated. By consulting the budgeting you will get a more accurate estimation for the costs of VST.

Learn more by also consulting the following:

For what types of TB can VST be used?

Video supported treatment can be used for all types of TB as it is suitable across all medication types.

What do I need to do to begin implementing VST?

By consulting the following page on the generalised steps towards implementing DATS, and the VST procurement specific page you will have a good understanding about the various procurement steps to implement.

Does VST work in settings with low connectivity?

No, as the patient needs daily access to Wi-Fi or mobile data network, and the healthcare provider needs daily access to Wi-Fi or a mobile data network to review the videos.

Learn more by consulting the Technical Brief: Five Country Experiences with Digital Adherence Technologies

What are the patient requirements to use VST?
  • Patient needs daily access to a smart phone.
  • Patient needs daily access to Wi-Fi or mobile data network.
  • Patient needs to record medication intake by video for the entire treatment duration. This is expected to take 3 – 5 minutes each day.

Learn more by consulting the Technical Brief: Five Country Experiences with Digital Adherence Technologies

What communication infrastructure needs to be available to use VST?

For VST all that is required (after the adherence platform has been setup) is the installation of the video recording application for the patient to record and submit their daily medication adherence.

Learn more by consulting the Technical Brief: Five Country Experiences with Digital Adherence Technologies

What are the healthcare provider requirements to support VST implementation?
  • Healthcare provider requires technology to review videos – a smartphone / tablet or computer as well as data or Wi-Fi.
  • Provider needs to review and verify each patient medication intake video. This is expected to take 4 – 6 minutes per patient per day. However, this can take longer if there is a video recording error that needs to be followed up on.
  • The information from the adherence platform can then activate targeted follow-up actions and support by healthcare providers and other staff based on patient adherence.

Learn more by consulting the Technical Brief: Five Country Experiences with Digital Adherence Technologies

What is required for VST to be ready for distribution to patients?

All the patient needs to do to access video supported treatment is download and install the video recording application on their smart phone.

Adherence Platform

What infrastructure is required to use an adherence platform?

A Cloud- or in-country server needs to be configured and maintained to host the adherence platform.

What are the costs of an adherence platform?

Costs for an adherence platform vary drastically, and depend on a number of factors, including the adherence platform solution; the country context; needs and country requirements.

For further information about this, please contact the DAT Task Force Secretariate.

What data will be collected by the adherence platform?

The data collected varies per adherence platform solution.

For a Software as Service solution, data collected can include: patient demographics; actions taken on the platfrom by healthcare providers; adherence data per patient; overview of information such as the total number of patients enrolled.

For an Smart Pill Box API integration into a country data management system, this can be adapted per country and implementation requirements.

Can data be shared or exchanged with other existing platforms?

Yes, the exchange of information with other (in-country) information systems such as DHIS2 is possible.

I would like to contact an adherence platform provider

There are multiple adherence platform solutions on offer. Your country needs for the adherence platform will influence the choice.

Below are a few options: