Adherence Platform
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Supporting DATs
Adherence Platform
When paired with an overarching web-based adherence platform, digital adherence technologies (DATs) can enable:
- Enhancements to care.
- Improvements to adherence support.
- Empowerment of patients to self-manage their own treatment.
On such a platform, patient medication intake data is automatically collected in a structured and usable way for the healthcare provider.
Healthcare providers can access their patients’ daily adherence information through the adherence platform, which helps them in shaping the most suitable treatment response for each individual patient.

Features of an adherence platform
There are multiple adherence platform solutions available, and each solution has various features available, depending on country needs, context, and customizations.
Below are potential features that an adherence platform could offer the healthcare system.
Accessible via the mobile application (Android) or a web browser.
Collects and organizes adherence information from DATs.
Send automated SMS messages such as reminders to patients and providers.
Registration field functionalities.
Overview of patients per facility, region, or country.
Task lists to prompt actions from healthcare providers based on patient adherence.
Global cloud hosting or in-country servers for deployment.
Generates custom reports.
Can exchange information with other (in-country) information systems such as DHIS2.
Adherence platforms on the market
There are multiple adherence platform solutions on offer. Your country needs for the adherence platform will influence the choice.
As the Global DAT Task Force we have provided technical assistance to countries in the comparison and selection of an adherence platform solution that is suited to country needs and context.
Below are a few adherence platform options:
- SureAdhere
- Wisepill
- Everwell
- I-Like-VST
- Adhere2TX-TB (Visit the developer’s site HERE)
- API Integration to country system (contact the Global DAT Task Force to request support with API integration)
Implementation Requirements
Cloud- or in-country server configured and maintained to host the adherence platform.
Adherence platform access for provider
Healthcare provider can use smartphone, tablet, or laptop to access online adherence platform.
Follow-up based on adherence
Targeted follow-up actions and support by healthcare providers and other staff based on adherence.
Downloadable resources
Technical Document: Smart Pill Box and DHIS2 integration
This document provides in-depth details on the technical aspect of the integration between evriMED (Smart Pill Box) and DHIS2 to facilitate treatment data availability.
Selecting an adherence platform to support a DAT intervention
This document describes key considerations on selecting and planning for an adherence platform supporting a DAT intervention.
APP User Guide: Smart Pill Box and DHIS2 integration
This document provides in depth details on how to access and use the Treatment Adherence Custom Application in DHIS2.
check out additional resources
Click here to access additional resources on Adherence Platforms available for consultation and download.