Budgeting for Digital Adherence Technologies in National TB Programs

A healthcare provider in Tanzania accessing the adherence platform used in the ASCENT project.
In preparation for Global Fund 2023-2025 submissions the Global DAT Task Force secretariat hosted a webinar to provide guidance on developing a budget for digital adherence technology implementation in national TB programs.
Topics that were discussed included:
- Technology costs
- Software costs
- Additional cost factors to ensure the success of implementation
- Country experiences with budgeting for DATs
- Guidance from WHO and Global Fund for DAT inclusion in programs
Center for Health Policies and Studies in Moldova presented on their experiences with costs associated with the Video Supported Treatment intervention rolled out within the program in the Republic of Moldova.
KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation presented on the costs associated with implementing the smart pill box in the Unitaid funded ASCENT project.
Technical Assistance for DAT implementation
The Global DAT Task Force is fully funded to provide technical assistance to countries in their DAT planning, roll-out and scale up, including:
- Budget development
- Proposal development for the inclusion of DATs in Global Fund applications
- Identifying additional local and global funding streams
- Adherence platform comparison and selection
- DAT implementation assessment
- DAT procurement support
Contact the DAT Task Force via secretariat@tbdigitaladherence.org if you require TA for your country’s DAT implementation.