Maia’s Story about VOT by the Global Fund
As a mother caring for two boys; managing household and farm responsibilities; and working as a caretaker outside her home, the diagnosis of DR-TB for Maia Chikovani could have dire consequences on her ability to support herself and her family financially. She resides on a small farm in the village of Bashi in western Georgia.
The treatment of DR-TB for patients can be immensely taxing: Daily medication can have severe side effects; extended hospitalization or daily clinic visits to monitor and support treatment are a drain on time and impede financial stability.

Maia preparing to record herself with the AdhereTB Georgia App.
The Global Fund, in collaboration with governments and other partners, are working towards improved treatment of TB for patients like Maia. As a part of working towards this goal in Georgia, Video Observed Treatment has been implemented, with the use of the AdhereTB Georgia App (developed by the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health of Georgia, with support from the Global Fund).
Maia is using the AdhereTB app as a tool to support the DR-TB treatment, which allows her to record and upload a video of her daily medication intake at a time that suits her, thereby saving her time and transportation costs.
Maia says: “This application helps because I can do the work I have at home – I can feed the animals and care for the kids. Without it, I would not even have the job I have now because I would not have the time for it.”
Maia Chikovani’s story was originally written by Melanie Sharpe and Anush Babajanyan for the Global Fund. Read the Global Fund article about Maia here.

Maia recording herself taking her TB medication at home on the AdhereTB mobile application.
*Photos Credited to Anush Babajanyan